I think you got any idea what this website will do. So here once they are convinced of this fact and leave you alone, you can resume whatever you were doing. For example, current version of Windows 10 is old… right? Once this fake alert message generates, it will let your friends show that you are using an outdated windows version. If you know someone who uses Windows OS then this website is really good to troll because using this site you can send fake update alert. This is very funny website to fool your friends. He will feel as if it was the biggest mistake to open that link. Your friend will forget about sleep for the next few days. Imagine your friend is scrolling to a Facebook newsfeed in his free time, and suddenly you send him a link and boom!Īfter your friend browse the link to this scary profile, he gets shocked to see such terrifying content in it. Facebook Scary Prankĭo you want to scare your friends? Here’s a perfect scary website prank to fool your friends. They will be shocked after they realize that they were pranked. You will receive the name of your friend’s name and his or her partner’s name. And once this done, the prank will be played. So now whenever your target friend will check this it will ask to enter their crush’s name along with their name. Using this site, you can create a unique link of yours, and can send that to your targeted friends. It is a very mischievous prank site that you play on someone to know your friend’s secret crush or lover. So, if you love to troll someone then here we get a list of 11 best prank sites which you can use to fool your friends. We all spend hours and hours to scrolling through our social media feed and watch memes, trolls, and troll videos. If you notice, prank video makers are getting a lot of responses from public.